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Alexander Dickson Primary School Alexander Dickson Primary School

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In Alexander Dickson Primary School, our curriculum is delivered in three stages:

  • Foundation Stage  Primary 1 and 2
  • Key Stage 1           Primary 3 and 4
  • Key Stage 2           Primary 5, 6 and 7


Our curriculum is broad, balanced and appropriately challenged to see the individual needs, abilities and different learning styles of our pupils.  We support our pupils to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible. 




The curriculum is delivered through the six learning areas:


  1. Language and Literacy                         
  2. Mathematics and Numeracy                         
  3. The World Around Us (History/Science/Geography)                           
  4. The Arts (Music/Art/Drama)                           
  5. Physical Education                        
  6. Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

Although the Areas of Learning are set out separately, learning is integrated, where appropriate, across the six areas to make relevant connections for children. 


The use of ICT and the development of our pupils’ Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities is woven throughout the curriculum. We want our pupils to develop skills in thinking, problem-solving, decision making, self-management, working with others, managing information and being creative.




All classes enjoy educational visits, linked to the curriculum. These visits help to bring our topics alive for our pupils and are an important part of their learning.  In Primary 6 and 7 we arrange an overnight residential to an outdoor activity centre.




Assessment is a key part of the on-going learning process. 


Pupils’ work is continually assessed in class and records of attainment are carefully maintained. These assessments include teacher observation, class tests, exams and standardised tests. Pupils are formally assessed in the core subjects of English, Maths and ICT.


Parent/teacher consultations are scheduled in terms 1 and 2. These interviews provide an opportunity to discuss each child’s progress. In addition, parents may, where necessary, request an interview with a teacher at any time during the year. 


An Annual Pupil Report providing a holistic summary of each pupil’s achievements and progress is sent home in June.